Practical AI for Education

We provide powerful, elegant solutions that unlock valuable insights for the education sector, without breaking the bank.

Insights that work for you

At schools and universities across Australia, data is often difficult to access and manipulate, making it virtually impossible to find out what’s going on. Generating reports on this data is time consuming and tedious, and they often arrive too late to drive meaningful action. And the typical solutions are too expensive to justify in terms of implementation costs, ongoing licence fees and support costs.

At PragmaTech, we’ve developed an ingenious solution that pulls insights from these disparate sources and gets them where they’re needed most, in real time. We can create insights based on anything you care about, whether these relate to Student engagement levels, Enrolment figures, Attendance records, Campus optimisation, or something else. And we can then deliver these insights to people in real time through whatever method they prefer - Microsoft Teams, Email, Slack or SMS.

How it works

Our approach is disarmingly simple. We’ve created a unique database schema that can be used to gather and organise data from various sources. And once this is populated, we leverage our powerful story engines to extract the insights ready for distribution.

Getting started

We have a simple approach that builds out the capability in line with your budget and appetite for growth:

  1. Strategic workshop: To understand the number and nature of insights that provide the most value.

  2. Proof of concept: We select one insight type to develop, and work closely with your team to bring this to life alongside a plan for subsequent expansion

  3. Implementation and roll out: we now go through the gears quickly, to get real time insights into the hands of your internal customers.


If you’re interested in seeing how this approach might work for you - regardless of whether you’re at a university, school or other organisation with similar challenges, drop us a line!



‘Our alliance with PragmaTech has enabled us to demonstrate how we can deliver smart insights with available technology and time constraints. Our collaboration has provided us an amazing product, where we were able to unlock more value from our data, and ensure smart insights are delivered on time. In just a few short weeks, PragmaTech has ensured that the relevant architecture is in place and the solution started generating a buzz around the university community. We're now looking forward to extending the platform across more use cases and internal stakeholders.’ LESTER D'SOUZA, DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE - AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY