AI in Education


Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ll know that the explosion of AI tools and services is well underway. And I’ve mentioned before that it’ll sometimes be tricky to separate the snake oil from the more substantive advances.

So I’m pleased to share some ground-breaking work that we’re leading with one of our clients. Rather than create something mass market that does an ok job for everyone, we’ve created an AI platform which is lean, low cost, and with quick time-to-value for a highly tangible and specific use case. The platform gives us the basis to continue developing in a composable manner.

We’ve been working with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) to help them extract value from their data, which up until recently was sitting behind firewalls in various silos across the organisation. And we’ve avoided the usual trap of putting it all in a dashboard which relies on users remembering to log in, and then trying to interpret what the data is actually telling them.

Instead, our service literally tells them what the data is saying.

The solution converts data into chat-ready insights that are distributed precisely where they’ll have the most impact. Here’s how it works:

  1. Client provides us with access to their datawarehouse, datalake or similar source of information
  2. We set up Story Engines within our client’s technical environment
  3. “Storylines” - AI-produced chat-ready messages with actionable insights from the data - are distributed into Microsoft Teams, Slack, Email, as Desktop Notifications and anywhere else that works happens.

In contrast to your typical monolithic, proprietary solution, this took a fraction of the usual time and cost to get it out of the ground.

Our client (Lester D’Souza, Director of Business Intelligence at ACU) has been kind enough to provide a glowing testimonial:

“Our alliance with PragmaTech has enabled us to demonstrate how we can deliver smart insights with available technology and time constraints. Our collaboration has provided us with an amazing product, where we were able to unlock more value from our data, and ensure smart insights are delivered on time.

In just a few short weeks, PragmaTech has ensured that the relevant architecture is in place and the solution started generating a buzz around the university community.

We’re now looking forward to extending the platform across more use cases and internal stakeholders.”

Our case study at ACU will be presented by Leon Bombotas at the Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference on 24 May - well worth checking out if you’d like to see the above solution in action.

While our solution is tailored to universities (check out our AI page for more info), the same principles can be applied just as easily to other sectors and use cases. Drop us a line if you’d like to know more!