Introducing Altai


After working on a secret project for the past year or so, I can finally share the big news that I’ve been helping an exciting start-up get off the ground - and we launch today! It’s a groundbreaking new web app in the entertainment industry, which connects Casting Directors, Agents and Artists through the casting process. And it’s called Altai.

The best thing about this project has been working with the founders - Josh comes from Casting, and Renee worked as an agent (and ran an acting college), so they know the industry and processes inside and out. The project was born from a deep frustration with the current products in this space, none of which provide a fully integrated service or a mobile friendly experience. The industry has been crying out for disruption, and our focus has been on providing a superior, connected, accessible and streamlined user experience at every turn.

I’ve also - as part of the PragmaTech model - been fortunate enough to tap into my network to find the talent needed to get this up and off the ground. Big shout out to the whole team, who’ve produced some of the best work I’ve ever seen (and that’s saying something). This platform has bought everything under one URL - beautiful artist profiles, project and role management, candidate submissions, session management, auditions (including video capture and storage, no plugins or separate software required), Self-tape handling, Status management, Client portals, and much more. To get this done in a year has been a truly phenomenal effort.

We’ve launched in Australia and New Zealand, with a roadmap to expand our functionality and launch overseas in 2023. To help on this exciting journey, I’ve joined Altai as Chief Digital Officer on a flexible basis, which means I’ll still be servicing my other awesome PragmaTech customers.

I’d like to finish with a note of thanks - Josh and Renee have put a huge amount of trust in me and the team, and we’re all stoked to join you at the start line! Let’s GO! 🙌