Case study: HTANALYSTS


HTANALYSTS has been providing premium impact measurement services to the Healthcare sector for 20 years, helping organisations to demonstrate everything from clinical efficacy through to the impact of social programmes such as dietary salt consumption guides. It was becoming increasingly clear that many of these skills had significant value outside health, and so HTANALYSTS engaged Previsior and PragmaTech to assess the opportunity landscape, and help plot the best path forward.

Our focus initially was on assessing sectors adjacent to healthcare, but we quickly uncovered a fundamental truth - healthcare, in the form of human-centricity, cuts across every sector, and in ways that are increasingly important. Measuring the full impact of an active intervention - or modelling initiatives before implementation - is virtually impossible without the levels of scientific rigour provided by HTANALYSTS. We quickly identified significant opportunities across Sustainability, Aged Care and Disability, as well as staff and customer wellbeing in a broader sense, engaging with stakeholders across all these areas to refine and validate our recommendations.

Combining Previsior’s healthcare expertise with PragmaTech’s technology background proved fruitful. HTANALYSTS had already undertaken SROI¹ projects, finding that their scientific rigour was well suited for this space, but we also found potential for new product development - a coached model supported by an online collaboration platform tailor-made for impact assessment.

Having worked with HTANALYSTS to tighten up the strategic pillars, we then set about bringing these new propositions to market. Working closely with the client, we designed and built a new website to showcase the new positioning, as well as creating the collaboration platform we’ve called Ripple. When we presented the new proposition and platform to a prospective customer for the first time, they enquired about the potential for exclusivity - a great sign that we were onto something special.

We continue to provide support and consultancy services to HTANALYSTS - a collaboration that has delivered on the initial brief, and more. Working with their team has been a great experience, with some incredibly talented and intelligent people coming in to support the project.

HTANALYSTS' CEO Alasdair Godfrey said “Working with Phil and Adam has been very rewarding. Their thorough and systemic approach to evaluating the market landscape uncovered several promising opportunities, and our team is excited for what the future holds”.

HTANALYSTS' Chief Vision Officer Colman Taylor said “Phil and Adam exceeded all of our high expectations. We’re now well poised to take the business in an exciting new direction.”


¹ Social Return on Investment; a methodology designed to uncover the broader impact of intervention.