Case study: Nucleotrace


Nucleotrace is an exceptional company that specialises in cutting-edge synthetic DNA tracing and identification technology. Synthetic DNA has a number of useful characteristics, in that it’s relatively cheap to manufacture, can contain huge volumes of information, and is virtually impossible to counterfeit. This means it can be used throughout supply chains to guarantee the origin of a product; for example, one of the initial areas of exploration is the pharmaceutical industry, where counterfeit medicine costs the industry $30 billion to $80 billion per year.

PragmaTech has been helping them on their journey since December 2018. Initial focus included participation on the Nucleotrace advisory board, providing advice and guidance around software design and development. Much of this advice centred around the development of a sophisticated prototype that could help demonstrate the application of the Nucleotrace technology in the pharmaceutical industry, with DNA-infused samples being added to various ingredients at various stages in the production process, and then the entire history of the product can be verified with certainty at the point of use.

PragmaTech’s ability to leverage their extensive network enabled this high quality prototype to be completed quickly and at a fraction of the cost normally charged by digital agencies - of vital importance to a start-up at this stage in their development.

Since then, Nucleotrace has enjoyed steady success, most notably with the award of Government contracts in 2020. The ability to track assets in the field is of significant value to Australia’s sovereign interests , and it was necessary for Nucleotrace to secure a more formal software development partner to create a product of the standard required by the Australian government. PragmaTech provided invaluable support, producing a full specification, including wireframes, for the web and mobile apps, and helping Nucleotrace run a tendering process that ultimately resulted in the selection of an excellent long term partner.

The scene is set for ongoing success, with ongoing board-level support and big ambitions in pharma, government, and beyond.

Nick Owen, CEO of Nucleotrace, had this to say about PragmaTech’s support: “Being new to the technology space has meant depending on an independent advisor who can help point us in the right direction. Phil has provided a practical and steady hand, helping us with projects large and small, and he continues to provide invaluable ongoing support as part of the Nucleotrace advisory board”.

If you’re a start-up looking to plot a pragmatic path forward, we’d love to hear from you!