Launch Day


PragmaTech is officially launched!

Some people have naturally asked whether this is really a good time to start a new business. Covid-19 has hit all of us, some harder than others, and it still isn’t exactly clear how things are going to pan out. However, in some ways, now is the perfect time. Organisations still need to make progress with their digital transformation, but with more constraints around time, money and resources than ever before. And customer behaviours have changed significantly. That’s where we come in.

What’s more, being born in the Covid-era means we’re unencumbered by typical operating costs, especially office and utility expenses. We can pass these savings onto our clients, and also onto the talent that we’ll be bringing into the mix when needed.

The singular goal is to build a sustainable business based on delivering quality outcomes for our clients. Emphasis is put on the sustainable aspect - we’re not going to pursue growth just for the sake of it.

Interestingly, the sheer range of high quality, low-cost technology services available to support a new business or initiative has never been so good, and we’ll be looking to weave this experience into solutions for our clients.

So, efforts now turn to delivering great work. If you’re interested in working with the pragmatic digital consultancy, drop us a line!